Sunday, September 03, 2006

File this under blogging banal

Sorry, I just think it's wicked cute when my cat sits in an empty box.


  1. Me too! And we have a cat who is addicted to all empty items so we get cat-cuteness all the time.

  2. I love it. Animals sure make us happy, don't they?

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Animals not only make us Happy..they are Loyal, Loving, and keep us calm and stressless! Enjoy your cat, Elizabeth, it will be great company along Life's Journey!

  4. Abby I was whip-mart and athletic, but psychotically not affectionate. Abby II is way affectionate but completely dumb. For example, she loves the louver door closet in the bedroom. It took my little meat loaf about 6 months to figure out that if you smack the middle enough times, one side will open enough to go in. This is especially annoying because she smacks it at 2:38 in the morning.

    Well, this week, she suddenly forgot that you have to smack the middle. She spent all night vainly trying to open the edge that was screwed into the wall. [sigh] I sure do love her though.
