Saturday, August 28, 2010

Restoring Honor rally a huge success

I love America! Go Glenn Beck! Here is an aerial view, no matter how the liberals try to downplay the significance of yet another grassroots rally/statement, here is proof:

In a demonstration of the overwhelming support of mainstream America for conservative principles, Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. is drawing 'hundreds of thousands,' according to McClatchy Newspapers.

At points, Politico wrote, it felt like a mixture of old-fashioned tent revival and a special (tamer than normal) episode of Beck’s show. Thank you Americans, for the prayers. We surely need them now and will need them more in the future!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Egg recall: journalists can't resist yolky headlines

The egg recall is no laughing matter. The recall is up to half a billion eggs in 22 states. That's 'b' as in BILLION. I am particularly aggravated because I gave up meat and practically do not eat anything except eggs.

However, as a former journalist, I enjoy seeing the headline writers take liberties with puns. Here's some:

--US scrambles to recall 500 million eggs - ABC News

--It's a case calling for some hard-boiled detectives RT

--Bart goes after bad eggs

--DeLauro and Waxman, Leaving No Shell Unturned, Ask for Egg Recall Info

Ok, enough with the fun, guys!

As for the egg recall, it is very serious. More information here

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Egg In A Basket for dinner

Ever since I saw Olympia Dukakis making this egg dish in the movie Moonstruck, I have been intrigued. It looked good. It looked kind of exotic. It looked easy. Bingo, we have a triple hit! So I was chatting with a person I know on Twitter about how to make it and it really is as easy as it looks. You cut a hole in a piece of bread, butter it on both sides, and toast it on a griddle or flat pan. When it is toasted and sturdy, you crack an egg into the hole. Cook the egg over medium. If you use a thicker piece of bread and a smaller egg the white will not run out under the toast. Toast the bread you cut our from the hole and use that to sop up some yolk. Put on plate, eat, slurp, enjoy!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Working the polls

I mentioned that I worked the polls in the primary races this July. The district in which I worked, only 4 miles from my place, has a whopping 199 registered voters in it. We rent the old fellowship hall of an even older church as the polling place. New Hope Presbyterian Church, established in 1788, is Georgia's third oldest church and the area around it is still likely as rural (almost) as the day it was established in 1788. I arrived at the polling station at 6 am to crowing roosters and dewy mist.

And because it was a fellowship hall, the picture of Jesus dominates the view, even over the polling station :)